Monday, January 22, 2007

The Snare Drum The All Important Instrument

The snare drum is probably the most important instrument that is used in a variety of music such as popular, jazz, latin, rock, and so on. You will find that the snare will accompany other pieces of instruments collectively forming the drum set. These drums have been around for many years dating back as far as the 15 th century. Commonly used for the military, this instrument was vital for marching into battle. Today, in western culture, the drum is still used by the military, not forgoing into battle, but for occasions to celebrate special holidays and events.

The driving force in modern music

The snare is the driving force in popular, rock, and hip-hop music. The crack of the drum provides the pulse and steady rhythm creating a tight groove, ideal for dancing or head-banging. Along with the grooves, sharp accents, double-stroke and buzz rolls can be achieved with incredible clarity.

The snare

Affixed to the underside of the drum are a number of wire strands. When the wire makes contact to the drum head, it produces a "crack" sound when played on the top drum head. Depending on the tension of the wires, the sound can be crisp or on some snares, can be eliminated altogether by adjusting the lever on the side of the drum.

Different kinds of snares

There are different kinds of snares that are used today ranging from size to shell construction. Sizes range from 14" (marching), 4" (piccolo), to the standard 5 ½" - 6" in depth. Shell construction consist of wood or metal. Wood shells will exhibit warm tones whereas the qualities of the metal shells will be sharp. The importance of the snare cannot be underestimated. It has been and still retains a vital role as a top instrument.,-The-All-Important-Instrument&id=406877