Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Musical Instruments For Individual Play

Since the first man beat on a hollow log to make sounds, we have been fascinated with the different tones that can be created by man’s ingenuity. From the simple drum to the complex double reed wind instruments, man has sought to create ever more complex and intricate musical instruments.

It seems as if so much emphasis is put on doing everything to excess, to becoming the best you can be. Whatever happened to doing something just for fun? It's that way with musical instruments as well. Sure it would be great to hit the big time with the musical instrument of your choosing. But the truth is, most of us don't have the talent or the drive to do that. I say, no problem. I love to play music just for fun.

If you love music, learning musical instruments for individual play is a great way to go. Whether you have dreams and ambitions of one day doing something with your skill or you wish to enjoy them you are providing yourself with a skill that will bring years of enjoyment

Perhaps you have considered learning to play a musical instrument for your personal enjoyment. I can't think of a better reason can you? Is there a specific instrument you like more than others, or would you like to invest your time and energy in learning to play several musical instruments?

I love music, all kinds of music. As a matter fact and I can personally play two musical instruments in addition to singing. While I know how to play the flute and the piano, I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar. I have yet to find a good teacher who was willing to take on the challenge of a lefty. One day I will get around to it. I don't make any money from the playing of my musical instruments, I don't perform in concerts and I am not a member of any band. I still love the music and the ability to make the music.

Just the act of picking up my flute or sitting in front of a piano is almost therapeutic for me emotion flows freely from the fingertips to the musical instrument and passion can be spent like money when playing. It's an exhilarating feeling that is almost impossible to describe to anyone that has never played a musical instrument. But I would guess it is very much like I imagine hang gliding to be. Since I have never gone hang gliding I can only imagine. If you've never played a musical instrument you will have a hard time understanding the way it feels.

Yet for most of us, learning a musical instrument is not as easy as it seems. I liken it to learning a second language, because music really is a language all it's own. You probably won't be able to just pick up you instrument and play. You have to practice.

Just remember that learning anything new takes time and dedication. Very few people pick up a musical instrument and immediately play at a virtuoso level. The beginning is frustrating, but each new step or degree of difficulty you tackle will bring about new challenges and frustrations. Be prepared to both soar emotionally and deal with personal rage that is worse than most bouts of road rage. Thus is the bane of a musician. There is something wired into our brains that has us both striving to continuously do better and makes us our own worst critics. Playing a musical instrument for personal pleasure and release is a great way to go. Besides, it's never really a bad idea to learn something new. As long as we are striving to learn and do more, we are living life to the fullest.

Learning a musical instrument for individual play is absolutely the way to go. Forget the worry of impressing others and learn to live to impress only yourself, especially in the world of music. As you gain skill and your talent grows you will find that you are your worst critic.

It's amazing really. I can play the piano at a family gathering and make numerous mistakes. But just as I'm getting frustrated, someone will tell me how beautiful it sounds. Then I remember not to be so critical of myself. I don't play to be perfect. I play my musical instrument because I enjoy it. And if others enjoy listening, that's only the icing on the cake.

Musical instruments come in all shapes, sizes, and price ranges. Their complexity can be baffling, especially where education reduces access to them. The more we learn about the tools for creating beauty, the more we can appreciate it. Teach your children to love music, and you teach them to love.
