Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cheap and Free Music Downloads

Downloading music from the internet is a topic fraught with misconceptions. With all the stories about file sharing and illegal music downloads doing the rounds, you would be forgiven for thinking it is best to steer clear of the subject altogether.

However, the truth is actually very different. There is a huge selection of legitimate music download sites on the internet. Some offer individual music tracks for a small fee, while others provide a collection of free tracks from unsigned artists that are freely available to download and share.

While services such as Napster, eMusic and Rhapsody offer a wide range of pop music, they also cater for a variety of different tastes. If you are more into folk or jazz than indie or hip-hop, that's not a problem. Follow our guide to cheap and free online music, and you will soon discover there are plenty of ways to build up your music library without breaking the bank.

In terms of commercial music sites, there is no shortage of options. One of the most popular is Napster. At the start of the MP3 revolution, Napster was best known for being used as an illegal file-sharing utility but, after it relaunched last year, it is now one of the biggest legitimate music download services.

With a basic subscription costing $10.00 per month, you can download any of the tracks in Napster's library; this currently sits at more than one million songs. Instead of MP3s, all music is distributed in the WMA file format.

Unlike MP3s, WMA files can include licence information - also known as digital rights management (DRM). With a basic Napster subscription, the tracks you download will come with a licence that allows you to listen to them only on the PC they have been downloaded to. Try copying the files to another PC or portable music player and you will find they won't play.

By paying a fee (currently set at .79 per track), you can obtain a different type of licence that lets you copy the music to other devices and, more importantly, continue listening to your tracks if you decide to cancel your Napster subscription.

It is basically the same as going out to the shops and buying a single on a CD. Should you cancel your subscription without purchasing the music you have downloaded, your tracks will be unplayable until you resume the subscription