From a powerful national anthem to church hymns and classical masterpieces, music has always been able to evoke emotion, affect your mood, and influence the brain and body. Scientific studies throughout the years have proven how beneficial music can be both emotionally and physically. However certain types of music are better suited for healing than others. For example, you may find that while you truly enjoy rock music, this music may not be the most ideal music for your own emotional or physical needs.
Generally speaking, you want to search for music which is soft, soothing, and geared toward relaxation or meditation. Many classical music recordings have these qualities as do New Age compositions. You can even acquire music which is specially geared toward meditation, yoga, and other wellness programs. I highly recommend the music of Daniel Kobialka for all of your wellness and meditation needs. Mr. Kobialka's focus is the rejuvenative power of music. He has led didactic and interactive workshops and seminars, traveled the world bringing his violin virtuosity to hospitals from Beijing, China to Plainville Ohio, and recorded music for meditation and guidance with alternative healing pioneers including Joan Boreysenko and Bernie Siegel. "If you are seeking healing, inspiration or spiritual fulfillment, you will discover in Kobialka the transformative power of music," Larry Dossey, M.D.
Music has always been loved and embraced by the public, from catchy jingles that influence their purchases to cherished childhood songs that bring back a nostalgia for friendlier times. As such, it is no surprise that science, as well as medicine, have turned their attention to the therapeutic powers of music.
"Music, the undefined sounds of universal language," says Daniel Kobialka, "has the remarkable ability of speaking to each of us in a very personal and profound manner."
The many uses of music in therapeutic situations vary largely and may include, but are not limited to, motor skills, social/interpersonal development, cognitive development, self-awareness, and spiritual enhancement.
The idea of music as a tool for healing dates back to the beginnings of history, and some of the earliest notable mentions in Western history are found in the writings of ancient Greek philosophers.
Robert Burton wrote in the 16th century in his classic work, The Anatomy of Melancholy, that music and dance were critical in treating mental illness, especially melancholia (depression).
Using music and sound for healing is not yet a mainstream practice, however many groups have already begun to implement music therapy to their advantage. For example, some schools have initiated programs including music to benefit their student's learning abilities. They have begun to hire therapists or other specialists who use music to strengthen nonmusical areas such as communication, physical coordination, teamwork, or even math.
If this article still hasn't convinced you of the value of music for healing, consider the case of Dr. Michael J. Crawford and his colleagues, who in November 2006, again found that music therapy helped the outcomes of Schizophrenic patients.
His study showed conclusive evidence of the value of music in healing therapies. His November 2006 study included a total of 115 patients. Of these 115 patients, 81 of these were were subjected to various music therapies. Multiple methods of analysis demonstrated a trend towards improved symptom scores among those which were subjected to healing music therapy, especially in the area of reducing symptoms of schizophrenia. They further concluded that the effects as well as cost-effectiveness of music therapy for acute psychosis should be further investigated in further trials.
As you can see, there is a strong case for the value of music in everyday wellness as well as for your health and even to assist in the care of specific ailments. You can use music as a wellness method in your own home in a variety of ways, such as setting aside 15 minutes when you wake up in the morning and before bed at night to listen to relaxing music and calm your mind. You may also wish to listen to healing music on an mp3 player or CD player while you work during the day, if it is possible in your workplace to do so, or if you work from home. You can also play soothing, healing music for your pets or to even calm down and relax a baby!
Music can be used in such a large variety of ways for healing both our bodies and minds that you simply can't go wrong by listening to this type of music! Even if your normal playlist includes rock, country, or even rap, you too can appreciate the benefits given by listening to relaxation music. There are such a large variety of styles, instruments, and cultural influences available in healing music that you can usually find something to suit everyone. So give music healing a try and start feeling the benefits today!
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Stephanie Davies,a 28 year old woman from Missouri, has always been interested in alternative healing therapies. She owns her own hosting company, at Hosting WAHMs offers premium webhosting from $2 per month and up, with an easy to use sitebuilder!