With the world's population being predominantly right handed most products are produced to cater for the mass. There are however, still a massive amount of left handed people and you would have thought that these would be catered for in a more equal manner.
It can be very difficult for left handed people to use certain tools / implements but these can be produced in a left handed manner. Take for instance scissors and can openers - these can be purchased for the left handers. The left handed electric guitar is now becoming more popular with the manufacturers realising the sales potential.
Specially Made For Left Handed Players
It is clearly evident that some instruments are very hard to use for left handed musicians. Guitar players are one example. In the early day's of the electric guitar, a left handed guitar was a rare beast. If you could find one, could you afford one. Electric guitars were not as relatively cheap then as they are now. Left handed guitar players were therefore forced to learn on a right handed guitar and adapt their playing style accordingly. Whilst this did not hinder the likes of Jimmy Hendrix it would certainly have been easier for him to learn on a left handed electric guitar.
So, the left handed electric guitar is designed and made for left handed people but what is the difference? With a right handed guitar, the player would use the fret board with their left hand and strum / pick with their right. So what's so hard with the leftie adapting by turning the guitar around so the guitar neck is to the right? Well, the strings will be upside down and the guitar is not designed for the strings to be swapped the other way without a lot of modification. Simply put, if you tried to learn a chord from a chord book, the diagram would show the strings with the thickest one nearest the top of the guitar - the way a left handed person would be holding the guitar, the thick string would nearer to the bottom of the guitar. You would need to be a contortionist to finger the chord correctly. It would be extremely difficult to learn without a left handed electric guitar.
With a left handed electric guitar the strings, neck etc. are positioned correctly so beginners can learn chords and notes just as the chord books show them and learning will be easier. With so many left handed people in the world, it becomes necessary to design certain items that can be proficiently used by them. A Left handed electric guitar is one of those items. Rock'n'Roll!