The Red Hot Chili Peppers are a band that has transcended the scope of pop culture , adapting to new trends while still maintaining their original funk-based style. Playing music for nearly two decades, the Chili Peppers show an unrepentant strength on their new album.
Dubbed "Stadium Arcadium", the new Red Hot Chili Peppers release is a double-disc powerhouse that fully showcases the range of this classic band. Totaling 28 tracks, there is something for every Peppers fan, from those who rocked to One Hot Minute in the early 90s to the new fan-base they have gained through such recent releases as By The Way. You can get a sense of the hormone-fueled music that was a Chili Peppers trademark in their formative years in such tracks as Warlocks and Storm In A Teacup. The bass lines laid out by Flea help to form cohesion to the CD, with John Frusciante fully tuned in and never disappointing with the guitar work. Anthony Kiedis' vocals remain on-point and can evoke powerful emotions, even though the stereotypical Chili Peppers non-sensical lyrics are as prevalent as ever. More recent Chili Peppers fans will be happy to know that the CD has plenty of the mellow, laid back Californication-esque tracks. Dani California, Tell Me Baby, and Wet Sand are some of the songs on this album that we will be hearing for years to come.
Are there any problems with the CD? Sure. There isn't too much of a coherent flow amongst the discs, and you may find yourself skipping around between tracks to satisfy what mood you are in. While tracks like Snow are upbeat and energetic, the album drags you through melancholy in some of the slower songs such as Strip My Mind. You can tell that the band is dabbling outside of their comfort zone at several points in the CD, with songs such as Snow having an almost foreign feel, while still unmistakably being a Chili Peppers tune.
All in all, I would highly recommend purchasing the new album. It has something for everyone, and with 28 tracks you'll be hard pressed to not find at least 3 or 4 songs that will stay with you. Aside from some slight problems with the flow of the CD and the fact that a few tracks that could've been best saved for a B-side, Stadium Arcadium is a record that will not be soon forgotten.